Checking In!

Just so you know I’m still around. I spent last month (and maybe this month) goofing off, which I feel entitled to do at my age. But I have been thinking, at least, about writing, and have been adding to and rearranging by book outlines.

Financial sense tells me that the book about the SAMD21 microcotroller-based Arduinos should come first based on the relative success of the Nano Every Supplement book However Common sense tells me that the SAMD21 microcontroller isn’t a particularly good choice, and most of the time (unless the radio is needed) one will be better served with the Nano Every board.

I feel I can offer some good programming “nuggets” for people with some experience, perhaps from a C/C++ class in school, but without professional embedded programming experience. The issue in promoting this book will be in separating it from all the intro-to-programming books out there. Like the “far Inside” books, it isn’t intended for beginners, but neither is it for experts.

Anyway, I’ll post more later this month. Expect two new books the first half of 2022, I promise!