New Errata Discovered

I have done a few things related to the books. There is recently discovered errata for Far Inside The Arduino and Still Far Inside The Arduino. The errors are mild enough (?) that I’m not producing a revised edition at this time, but if you own one of these books go to the linked page for the example program downloads to see the errors. I’m also listing the new ones here:

For Far Inside The Arduino, in the section Arduino Time Measurement within the description of the micros function, the reference to timer0_overflow_count being incremented every 4 microseconds should say it is incremented every 1,024 microseconds.

For Still Far Inside The Arduino there are a few references to a “384p” microcontroller. These should be “328p”. There are a few mentions of “.iso” and “iso files” on page 134. These should be “.ino” and “ino files”. On page 149, “The first four characters” should be “The last four characters”.