I hadn’t written a program for other than microcontrollers in many years. Recently I have been playing the Quartiles game in Apple News, and realizing its similarity to the Jumble puzzle, I though that I could write a Quartiles solving program. My Jumble solver is here: https://almy.us/jelbum.html In Quartiles there are 20 tiles with word …
This post is completely off topic. I’m getting fed up with email and telephone SPAM. I just want to point out a couple things I’ve done recently that have gotten rid of most of my current SPAM. First I get 10-20 spam emails a day on one account, my Gmail account. Here are my most …
Next month Amazon is raising their printing costs for printed books by Kindle Direct Publishing. The increase is very small for all of my books except the old 68HCS12 title. I decided to absorb the cost increase, although Amazon has made it easy to apply price increases. This could mean that other KDP books might …
I’ve neglected blogging because I really don’t have any progress to show. I’ve been dealing with sketchy and possibly wrong documentation so have been tediously testing out each feature figuring out exactly what is needed and what is not needed to get things to work. The net result should be that the next book (on …
I just realized that I haven’t made a blog entry in a month. I’m just completing the next book on Arduino sensors. Kindle ebook and printed book, same contents, of course. The ebook is actually ready, but I’m taking a second round trip on the printed book, making it a bit easier to read. Expect …
I’ve gotten so intrigued by my “37 sensor” kit that I’ve purchased two more different ones. Lots of commonality, quite a few of the 37 that don’t match the definition of a “sensor”. So I don’t know how many real sensors I’ve got! Because of the poor to no documentation provided and all bad reviews …
I recently got enthused to check out all of the sensors in my Elegoo 37 Sensor Kit (version 1) I bought 5 years ago. I suppose I should have checked them all out at the time because seven of the sensors, the ones on the red circuit boards, didn’t function at all. I’ve heard that …
Just so you know I’m still around. I spent last month (and maybe this month) goofing off, which I feel entitled to do at my age. But I have been thinking, at least, about writing, and have been adding to and rearranging by book outlines. Financial sense tells me that the book about the SAMD21 …
I have been spending an hour a day for most of the past year learning Spanish for various reasons. While programming languages come easy to me, spoken languages do not. Anyway, I happened to come across an on-line course in Automata Theory offered by one of my Alma Maters, Stanford. I’ve always been curious about …
I came across this file: Embedded C Programming.scriv sitting forlorn in my folder of book folders, seeming not deserving of a folder of its own. Six years ago before I retired I had started to write a book on embedded programming. I was teaching a course on microcontrollers that used assembly language with C being …