
I came across this file: Embedded C Programming.scriv sitting forlorn in my folder of book folders, seeming not deserving of a folder of its own. Six years ago before I retired I had started to write a book on embedded programming. I was teaching a course on microcontrollers that used assembly language with C being optional. But I noticed that the students with C experience had simply had a course which taught C for computers.

There is a big difference between writing code for the constricted environment of a microcontroller and a large microprocessor!

So after blocking out the book and writing a few chapters I put it aside to finish up my work and enter retirement. Then I managed to write four new books and basically completely forgot about this one.

Obviously, there are lots of books on this subject, which was a disincentive to finish it. However it seems just right as a prequel to the Far Inside The Arduino books. So I decided to finish it up. The book will be basically generic as to microcontroller targeted. The original was for the 16-bit 68HCS12, but this will be aimed for the 8 and 32 bit microcontrollers found in Arduino boards. Unlike the Far Inside books, it won’t go much inside at all and concentrates on the language (yes there will be some C++ specific content) and not writing drivers!

I really hope to get this done quickly, and it will be priced very modestly. I promise not to title it Narrowly Inside The Arduino.