Checking In!

Just so you know I’m still around. I spent last month (and maybe this month) goofing off, which I feel entitled to do at my age. But I have been thinking, at least, about writing, and have been adding to and rearranging by book outlines. Financial sense tells me that the book about the SAMD21 …

My Recent Education Adventure

I have been spending an hour a day for most of the past year learning Spanish for various reasons. While programming languages come easy to me, spoken languages do not. Anyway, I happened to come across an on-line course in Automata Theory offered by one of my Alma Maters, Stanford. I’ve always been curious about …


I came across this file: Embedded C Programming.scriv sitting forlorn in my folder of book folders, seeming not deserving of a folder of its own. Six years ago before I retired I had started to write a book on embedded programming. I was teaching a course on microcontrollers that used assembly language with C being …

Meta Stuff → level conversions, tagging source code, firmware updates

Looking at 3.3v microcontrollers like the SAMD in the newer Arduino boards, it is frequently necessary to do level conversions between 3.3v and 5v logic. Sometimes you can get away with not using a level converter, but certainly far from always! I looked at a couple of inexpensive commercial adapter boards. These are bidirectional which …