Errata and MOBI vs EPUB (Revised)

In Far Inside The Arduino: Nano Every Supplement I made a late improvement to “A Better Timer Setup” that was not reflected back to the text description. The statement (page 69 of the printed book):

This means with a 16MHz clock and the /8 prescaler we need 2000 counts per interrupt. With a 20MHz clock we need 2500 counts per interrupt.

should instead read:

This means with a 16MHz clock and the /2 prescaler we need 8000 counts per interrupt. With a 20MHz clock we need 10,000 counts per interrupt.

There have also been some small changes made to The PDP-8 Class Project, and the book and ebook have been revised. When uploading the document files I discovered that Amazon now prefers EPUB format over MOBI format for uploads. This strikes me as strange because when you purchase a Kindle book it comes in MOBI format. This means that they have to convert the EPUB file to MOBI. Frankly, all seems well in that I can’t tell the difference. The book actually looks best in the EPUB format in Apple’s Books app. Sadly, the Kindle book cannot be viewed in Apple’s Books app and publishing through Apple’s store is a real PITA.

Think about this — when I ordered a copy to check the changes it was less expensive to buy a retail copy, Amazon Prime member, and get my royalty on the sale, than it was to buy an author’s copy, at “cost” plus postage.

Added March 15, 2021: I just received an email from Kindle Direct Publishing. They will no longer accept MOBI format for submissions starting June 28. The state “We listened to your feedback and are making it simpler to publish ebooks on Kindle.” How exactly does that make things simpler??? And why were people asking that they drop MOBI support???