Where To From Here?

First I’m making a few corrections to the Far Inside The Arduino book. If you have the first edition, don’t worry. There are two small errors, both mentioned in the errata on the web page for downloading the program examples. And for the printed version the page headers have been made more meaningful. The new Kindle ebook is available now and I believe that any previous purchasers can download it again. It’s also now possible to lend the ebook. The printed version available as off September 2.

I’m also back on the groundwork for the next book, which was to be the immediate followup to Far Inside The Arduino until I was sidetracked by the Arduino Nano Every. It will have several sections in my current plan:

  • A comparison of the various current general purpose Arduino boards, examining the relative capabilities of the six different microcontrollers used.
  • A study with an example application of four major implementation styles, looking at the pros and cons of each.
  • Improved I2C and SPI drivers, interrupt driven and non-blocking. There will be code for all four AVR target microcontrollers.
  • A look at communication using USART for streams, packets over one-wire and MODBUS. Then a look at wireless with both point-to-point and WiFi. Naturally, there will be examples throughout.

It won’t take me the year it took for the last book. And I’ll report back here on how I’m doing.