Tag Archives: Arduino Nano Every

Other Microchip Technology Microcontrollers

Arduino has long used Atmel (now Microchip) 8-bit AVR architecture microcontrollers.  The ATmega328P, ATmega32U4, and ATmega2560 have been discussed here. Arduino no longer is “in bed” with Microchip, but there are two other Microchip microcontrollers used in Arduino boards, the ATmega4809 and the SAMD21. Both of these are favorites of mine. ATmega4809 The ATmega4809 is …

A Fundamental Implementation Change

Traditional Arduino boards, like the Uno R3 or Nano, are typically programmed using the Arduino Library functions. These conveniently present most of the microcontroller’s functionality to the hobbyist user. Books like my Far Inside The Arduino and the microcontroller’s documentation show how to access additional functionality not addressed by the Arduino Library. As more advanced …

Just Released: Still Far Inside The Arduino!

My latest book has now become available on Amazon. Still Far Inside The Arduino continues the theme of Far Inside The Arduino and the Nano Every Supplement by using programming techniques and drivers more advanced than what Arduino promotes. Topics include: Distinctions among the various general purpose Arduino boards: ATmega328P based like the Arduino Uno …

UPDI and Clock Speed

The ATmega4809 microcontroller in the Arduino Nano Every is no longer loaded via a bootloader program, but instead uses a single wire programming interface, Unified Program and Debug Interface, or UPDI. This also has debugging capability, but this is not available with the Arduino IDE. The ISCP interface (and its 6-pin header) is no longer …