Every Progress is Slow

I wrote this title to be ambiguous. I’ve been busy with personal things so slow progress on writing. I’ve just started back up on the Arduino Nano Every (ATMega4809) book. The needs of the Arduino people to have this board as compatible as possible with the older Arduino Nano has made this a surprisingly difficult task. If they just made a new format board that brought out all the pins and didn’t have to have board compatibility it would be so much nicer. If you don’t go “Far Inside” there is really no benefit to this board but its low price. However that alone should ensure its success.

Arduino Nano Every on top, Elegoo Nano on bottom. The sloppy soldering of the headers on the Elegoo board are entirely my doing, as is the missing AVR-ISP header.
Backs of the same boards. Note that the Nano Every has all components on the front side.

I’m writing the book for the ATMega4809 assuming the reader is knowledgeable about the ATMega328P either through Far Inside The Arduino or other means. Meanwhile work on the Further Inside The Arduino book is on hold.