My Desk

Actually, my desk is very long, but here is the portion of it I’m usually facing:

I’ve got a 27″ iMac with a second display, a 27″ 4K LG that I keep my calendar and OmniFocus (planner) windows on when I don’t need the extra screen space. The keyboard is a 1989 Northgate OmniKey/102 which I would have a hard time living without. A cheap Logitech M100 mouse and an Apple Magic Trackpad round out my input devices.

Also in the picture is a benchtop power supply and Rigol DS1054 Oscilloscope which were invaluable for writing the Far Inside The Arduino book. Two 4 port powered USB 3.1 hubs are barely visible. On the far left is my Brother “all-in-one” laser printer. Off screen on the right is a ScanSnap iX500 scanner, a DVD burner, telephone (yes, I still have a land-line) and desk lamp. Piles of parts used in testing the example programs for the book are off screen to the left.

Behind, on the wall are some of my patents.

My computer desktop looked like this when I was writing the book:

A shortcut opens up four windows, the ATmega328P documentation, the website reference pages, the book source in Scrivener, and a Finder window where I can access all the files associated with the project (it reports over 7,000 files). When writing/testing programs, the Arduino IDE window is also present.

Scrivener outputs the mobi file for Amazon Kindle directly. For the printed text the book is compiled to RTF which I touch up with Nisus Writer Pro. I used EazyDraw for all the figures and the book covers.