Final Touches

I’m now doing the final touches to the formatting of the E-book and printed versions of Far Inside The Arduino: Nano Every Supplement. Not really overjoyed with that title, but I do need to emphasize it as being supplemental to all the operational descriptions in the original Far Inside The Arduino book.

I did do a last minute change, running the System Time Tracking (micros, millis, delay) from the system clock rather than TCA prescaler so that I could incorporate the Timer/Counter A pulse width measuring example program. As mentioned in the last blog post, a design flaw in the microcontroller basically prevented this program from working.

I’ve ended up with 40 example programs. What is nice is that the ATmega4809 can act as both SPI master and slave, I2C master and slave, and as a pair of USART interfaces, reducing the need for needing two boards for demonstrations.