Far Inside The Arduino is aimed at users of ATmega328P and ATmega2560 microcontrollers. These include the Arduino Uno, Nano, and Mega boards. Some Arduino boards feature other AVR microcontrollers, particularly the ATmega32U4 and the ATmega4809. The ATmega32U4 is found in the Leonardo, Micro, Yun and some other boards. This chip has a build-in USB controller …
SEO! It used to be all you needed was a cleanly laid out website to get good placement in Google Search. No more. Now the site needs to be tailored for what Google wants to see. Gotta use HTTPS. Even if there is no reason to have a secure connection, and there certainly is no …
Illustrations in my recent books use a font that I purchased years ago for my teaching, Museo and Museo Sans. Back then I wanted something that would look distinctive and eye-catching (yes, I wanted students to read the handout) while being readable and easy on the eyes. The rounded elements really stand out. When it …
Actually, my desk is very long, but here is the portion of it I’m usually facing: I’ve got a 27″ iMac with a second display, a 27″ 4K LG that I keep my calendar and OmniFocus (planner) windows on when I don’t need the extra screen space. The keyboard is a 1989 Northgate OmniKey/102 which …
Now I know this doesn’t really mean anything, but Far Inside The Arduino is, for the moment, the #1 New Release in Digital Design for the Kindle Edition! Now all I need are some reviews. Good ones, hopefully.
After decades of hand coding 20th century HTML I’ve decided to set up a WordPress site. I’ll primarily use this as a blog. The other site, almy.us, is not going away. I’m keeping this as simple as possible, with an absence of distractions.
After being available only as a Kindle Ebook, I’ve produced a paperback printed version. They are both available here on Amazon.com or your local Amazon site if you are not in the US. 104 Electrical Engineering students in 18 teams over 7 years designed computers as part of a Digital Systems course the author taught. The goal …
I finally published my first Arduino book which shows how to bypass the performance hampering and feature blocking Arduino library and instead access the microcontroller features directly. The book primarily for Arduino Uno, Nano, and Mega boards. The book assumes some familiarity with the Arduino (one needs to know how to write and run simple …