A Fundamental Implementation Change

Traditional Arduino boards, like the Uno R3 or Nano, are typically programmed using the Arduino Library functions. These conveniently present most of the microcontroller’s functionality to the hobbyist user. Books like my Far Inside The Arduino and the microcontroller’s documentation show how to access additional functionality not addressed by the Arduino Library. As more advanced …

The Map Function

The map function takes a long integer value, x, in the range in_min through in_max and maps it into the range out_min through out_max. It is very convenient for scaling measurements and the function is defined: It is important to realize some limitations of this function. Some Arduino models define a function mapResolution that does …

EEPROM “emulation” in Arduino UNO R4

The EEPROM library (https://docs.arduino.cc/learn/built-in-libraries/eeprom) has functions for reading and writing single bytes but no function for erasing. The EEPROM in the AVR microcontrollers are capable of erasing and writing single bytes and 100,000 erase/write cycles in a location is the design maximum before the EEPROM will wear out. To maintain compatibility, the EEPROM functions in …